01638-713-288 [email protected]

[Flag of France]As a result of Forced Heirship laws in France, companies in France usually insist upon the shares being sold with the result that they will probably want you to sign:

(a)        Letter of Instructions;

(b)        Wire Transfer Form for Payments; and

(c)        Stock Exchange Order.

The Stock Exchange Order confirms that the shares are to be sold as (from a French pint of view) when a foreign shareholder dies, the shares have to be sold and the monies remitted to the estate. The estate can then re-purchase the shares in the market, if the estate wishes to continue to hold share in the Company concerned.

Please let us know if there is a price below which the shares are not to be sold.

The French share registrars require a sealed and certified copy of the Grant of Probate and of the Will, and an original Death Certificate (the green coloured version).

If you do not have a sealed and certified copy of the Grant, then we will need to obtain a sealed and certified copy of the Grant from the District Probate Registry and we will need a cheque in favour of HMCTS for £10, in payment of the Probate Registry fees.

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01638 713 288

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